Hammersly Gorge

Today we left Dales Gorge and proceeded back to Tom Price for more water in fuel treatment and then on to Hammersly Gorge a very pretty spot.

After admiring this gorge we went is search of Florance Station listed as offering accommodation. Immediately beyond the gorge the road makes its way through its own beautiful but tight gorge and then out on to open savannah country. The road still had many mud patches left over from the rain. Our efforts were in vain as Florance is closed to visitors these days. After consulting the maps and Camps book we headed for Millstream National Park. This involved using the shared mine railway maintenance road. On this road we encountered many mine vehicles one was going very fast in the opposite direction and sprayed us with rocks resulting in 2 large cracks in the windscreen, these will probably remain until we get home. Arrived at Millstream about 5pm and managed to secure 2 camp sites probably made easier by the somewhat inclement weather.


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