Karlu Karlu (Devils Marbles)

Left  Mataranka yesterday and traveled south to Banka Banka with a short stop at Daly Waters. Stayed overnight at Banka Banka a caravan park with basic facilities about 100km north of Tennant Creek. Today we are camping at Ti Tree another caravan park with basic facilities behind the roadhouse and motel. All the campsites are crowded so it is good to pull in early, by 3pm to ensure a spot. Mornings are getting cold a sure sign we are heading south and inland. Covered about 800 km in 2 days, should be in Alice by tomorrow.

Visited Karlu Karlu today but only briefly, it has been much further developed for visitors than we I was here last about 20 years ago. Even has a national park style campground now. Some pictures of the rock formations below.

More Boulders

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